Engaging Services for Men's Health Week

29 Sep 2022


Engaging Services for Men's Health Week

The statistics around men’s health are grim reading. From the moment they are born, boys suffer more illness, more accidents and die earlier than their female counterparts. Five men a day, on average take their own lives. That’s four times the rate of women. When it comes to their health, men are up against it. That’s why connecting men with health services is so important.


If you happen to be a man with a disability, you fall into a high-risk group for poor health, depression, alcohol and drug abuse and suicide. Couple those factors with a society that favours healthcare towards women and children (a group that is more likely to seek help), and a ‘macho’ western society, men and boys are in need of serious help.

That’s what Men’s Health Week June 14 – 20, 2021 is all about.

How can we create positive environments for men to access healthcare easily?

Evidence has shown that there is a greater chance for success if the emphasis is on changing the environment for men to access health support, rather than expect behaviour change.

Our team are friendly and willing to answer any questions you may have. We foster strong connections with local support providers, some that are designed specifically for men’s health. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. If you qualify for additional care and support, it’s important to embrace that help.

At Pathways to Care, we have two male Support Coordinators, Chris and Luan who are available to chat if men would prefer this. There are also male-orientated support providers such as Men’s Sheds who operate at multiple locations, to who we can help participants connect.

Sam our Operations Manager at PTC says; “Men’s health is an area that is particularly challenging for Men with disabilities. We want to assist people to get the support they need.”

Contact the team today to find out more about what we can do to help to support Men’s Health.

To find out more about Men’s Health Week visit the website