29 Sep 2022
Participant Stories
National Volunteer Week this week celebrates Australia’s almost 6 million volunteers who each year, dedicate over 600 million hours to help others. In light of this, Pathways to Care is celebrating and thanking our participants and team members who give their valuable time to organisations.
Reconnect is one of the week’s themes this year; acknowledging that it is time to reconnect to what is important by giving our time to help others and help ourselves.
Many of us have experienced increased loneliness or isolation, mental health or financial stress, at different times in our lives. Volunteering can help by connecting us to others in our local communities or to potential pathways to employment. It can help with our own mental well-being when we focus on helping others.
Michael has been volunteering at the Montclair Aged Care home since 2018.
For two hours on a Monday morning, he waters and tidies the gardens, distributes the weekly activity schedule to the residents and updates the AFL Football Ladder.
Michael also volunteers to look after the resident feathered friends. He cleans the large birdcage, which involves cleaning the perches, refreshing the seed and water and replacing the paper that lines the cage, all the while not allowing the four birds to escape to freedom.
Although he attends with a Support Worker, over time he has become more independent in completing the tasks and consequently his confidence has improved. He is a valued member of the team at Montclair.
If you would like to find out more about how the Pathways to Care team can support participants in volunteering in the community, please contact us, we are happy to help.
It’s National Volunteering week from Monday 17th to Sunday 23rd of May. Explore volunteer opportunities by visiting www.GoVolunteer.com.au