16 Feb 2023
“A key part of the success of the NDIS is ensuring those who need additional support can access those services earlier, which can lead to improved outcomes later in life,” Ms. Rebecca Falkingham, (CEO of the NDIA) said.
The report also includes data from the Participant and Families and Carers Outcome reports. Key highlights from the report reveal increases in numerous key outcome areas when compared to the first reporting period:
-For young participants (aged 0 to starting school age): 68% of parents/carers say their child can make friends outside of the family – a 33% relative increase.
-For participants aged 0 to 14 years: 88% of parents say their child fits better into everyday family life after five years – a 19% relative increase.
-For participants 15 years and over: 78% reported being able to choose how to spend their spare time – a 34% relative increase.
-For families and carers: 55% of families/carers are in paid employment – a 21% relative increase.
Ms. Falkingham said, “We are striving to ensure we have an NDIS that works for everyone. We will continue working to implement measures that directly improve the lives of our participants”.
Don’t forget your feedback can help improve the NDIS now! The NDIA know that to deliver a better experience to participants and their families they need and want to listen to people with first-hand experience of the NDIS. This is where Participant First comes in. Participant First connects participants, families, and carers to work together to improve the NDIS through weekly feedback, surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Some feedback opportunities are paid, with the NDIA understanding people’s time is precious.
If you would like to join Participant First and provide your feedback and experiences, click here.
If you have any questions at all about the quarterly report you can call the NDIS on 1800 800 110, or call our friendly team on 1300 467 284.