30 Sep 2022
Introducing the youngest book reviewers in our Pathways to Care family, Charlie (age 13) and Bridie (age 9).
This book review coincides with World Sight Day, which this year falls on October 14, 2021.
‘The Black Book of Colours’, by Menena Cotin and Rosana Faria poses the question:
Can you see colours if you are blind?
Charlie, age 13: I love the book because I loved reading how the colours were described. It really evoked my thoughts on how people with disabilities can overcome obstacles and how other senses can be heightened to make up for a loss of one or two senses. It was nice to know that even if kids can’t see they can still have colour in their lives and not just darkness. Colours can help make happiness and positivity.
I love the feel of the pages. It is one of my favourites.
Bridie, age 9: I can understand a little bit how difficult it can be to have a disability, but you don’t have to miss out on fun things, that there can be other ways. I also love how it has the Braille with the Alphabet in the back to show us how kids who can’t see can still have the adventure of reading. Even though they can’t see they still have amazing imaginations.
The Black Book of Colours by Menena Cotin and Rosana Faria. Published: 20 September 2018