03 Oct 2022
World Autism Awareness Day, is now called World Autism Understanding Day and falls on April 2nd.
The name change reflects the need for understanding our human differences.
In his blog, World Autism Understanding Day, Dr. Wenn Lawson (PhD) states;
World Autism Understanding Day heralds the cry for developing an understanding autistic communication and for implementing real time strategies for inclusivity and wellness. Without understanding Autistics and how to bridge the communication gaps between us, little will change.
According to Amaze around 1 in 100 Australians is autistic and 85% of the community has a personal connection with an autistic person.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disability that affects the way individuals interact with others and how they experience the world around them. Every autistic person is different, which means that each person has unique strengths and challenges. Characteristics generally appear in early childhood and will be present, in some form, for life. Some people are diagnosed early in childhood, others are discovering it much later in life.
Early intervention | Autism: What next?
NDIS and funding | Autism Awareness Australia
Aspergers Victoria is a volunteer-run not for profit that provides information and support to those with Aspergers and High Functioning Autism. Their services include social and support groups for people with Aspergers and their parents and carers, siblings and partners. They also host seminars, have a library, social media and an informative website.
Kindship by Ablefinder is a social networking app for parents of children with a disability. You can be matched to families living with similar disabilities or in similar circumstances.
Autism Connect is a free telephone helpline, email and webchat service, developed by Amaze and funded by the NDIS. It provides information, advice, and service referrals to support autistic people and their support networks. Phone: 1300 308 699
Email: info@autismconnect.org.au
Webchat: www.amaze.org.au/autismconnect