Men's Health Week

03 Oct 2022


Men's Health Week

It’s time to break down the barriers. This is the call for action by Healthy Male, the national organisation for Men’s Health Week 13-19 June 2022. There are plenty of events happening in Australia during this week, to get conversations started and reduce the stigma around preventable men’s health problems.

The goal is to increase awareness of male health issues on a global level and to encourage institutions to develop health policies and services that meet the specific needs of men, boys and their families.

So, where do we start?

It’s been well documented by studies and reports that men and boys often feel reluctant to talk about or seek help for their health issues. Toxic masculinity ideals that are perpetuated in society are often cited as a reason for this, which is one of the barriers that Men’s Health Week is trying to break down.

Practical tips for supporting men

No matter your gender, we can all play a part in supporting the men in our lives' health and wellbeing. The following tips empower men to prioritise their health.

-Encourage open discussions: Talk about it.

-Get educated: Learn about common issues affecting men’s health such as mental health issues like depression and anxiety, and other common health issues such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

-Check-in: Haven’t checked to see how someone is doing in a while? Don’t ignore it. Reach out and see how they are, and offer support.

-Show appreciation: Recognise and celebrate the role that male friends, colleagues, brothers, uncles, fathers, husbands and sons contribution to your life.

-Foster a healthy work environment: Consider running wellbeing programs, creating mental health literacy, generating opportunities for meaningful connection and creating a positive work culture where men can safely access the support they need. (source:

What can I do about my mental health?

Talking about your emotions isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of emotional intelligence and is of great benefit to your mental health. The following common-sense tips will also put you in a strong position to manage your own mental health:

-Get active

-Improve your diet

-Drink responsibly

-Ask for support

Get educated - help others

If you are interested in undergoing training in areas such as Mental Health to help others in the community, visit Health & Community Services | TrainSmart (

What are you or your workplace doing to support Men’s Health Week? We would love to hear your stories too. Contact us

Read more on our previous blogs:

Nathan speaks up for Men's Health

Ben's bike ride for health