Why We Can't Accept Credit Notes As a Plan Manager

24 Jul 2024

Guides for Providers

As plan managers, we often get asked by providers if they can send credit notes to correct errors or overcharges on invoices. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit notes for amending incorrect invoices. Our role as plan managers is to request funds on behalf of participants only after services or supports have been delivered. We do not hold any funds ourselves.

All plan managers are registered NDIS providers and must conduct themselves in line with the NDIS Code of Conduct as well as comply with the NDIS Practice Standards.

NDIS plans are tailored to each participant's needs, with specific budgets allocated for various supports. These budgets, often inflexible, are determined during planning meetings and have set start and end dates.

When processing invoices for payment, each invoice must include:

• Service dates

• Line items/description detailing the services delivered

• The amount/unit delivered

• The cost per unit/amount

• The total dollar amount

This information is sent off as a claim to the NDIS to pay for those services/products from the correct part of a participant's budget.

For example, if an invoice is paid for services rendered on Saturday, July 20, 2024, and a provider subsequently issues a credit for that date but applies it to an invoice with a service date of Tuesday, July 23, the original claim for July 20 would become non-compliant. This mismatch of dates, services, or items delivered can also create issues when plans change or end, increasing the risk of incorrect plan claims.

To ensure compliance, any changes to services or items received must be handled through a refund, ensuring that any claimed funds are returned to the participant's correct NDIS plan. Funds must be returned to the appropriate budget within the plan, not sit outside of it. All plan managers are registered NDIS providers and are required to adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct and the NDIS Practice Standards.

Non-compliant invoices can negatively impact the participants' funding, potentially reducing funding intended for a specific purpose and leaving a participant without crucial support. It can put providers at risk of being banned from providing NDIS services.

If you have incorrectly invoiced a participant and need to rectify the situation, please contact our friendly team at 1300 467 284. We will guide you on how to process a refund correctly.